Medical Market Expert

in public procurement

Descriptive Reports

Descriptive reports on drugs, medical equipment or medical materials allow you, through their wide analytical perspective, to look at your business from a different angle.

These analyses are helpful in many ways, for example:

  • they help you to build sales strategy;
  • they help you to avoid failures;
  • they shorten the path to your goal.

Meeting with the management, presentation for business partners or co-workers are often based on the illustration of the situation in the given sector.

Descriptive reports represent a very helpful tool that will reduce the time required to prepare the compilation and at the same time provide insightful information. They present the market from different perspectives, different timelines and compare different data. They present a wide picture of the selected topic.

The aim of the market structure survey and its analysis is to obtain information on how your company may increase its competitive advantage, plan its operations and use the market potential for its own business growth needs.


Order descriptive report

    What we offer?

    If you need ready-to-use summaries of a certain topic-related scope from the healthcare sector, timeline or assortment range that appeared on the public procurement market, you don’t need to do it yourself.

    Our experts will prepare a report in a descriptive form or a presentation of data that you will be able to present to others in your company.

    In our summaries, you will find the analysis of published tender notices, taking into account, for example, the venue of the notice or name of the buyer. You will check where the most funds have been spent or which market fragment belongs to your competitors. But this is just a snapshot of information that we can prepare for you within this service as each report can be tailored to your specific needs.

    Case study


    One of our Customers from the medical sector asked us to prepare the analysis of the public procurement market within the delivery of medical equipment to hospitals. It was interested in the period of two years.
    According to our Customer’s needs, we agreed on dividing the thematic scope into 3 product groups, as part of which products subject to monitoring were separated.
    These included, among other things: operating tables, ceiling columns, patient monitors, ultrasound scanners.

    Our summary contained the tables with detailed information concerning tender procedures. Furthermore, our Customer had access to the information source. The analysis also included descriptive reports for each group in the Polish and English language, with graphical representation.

    In the reports – for each group and type of equipment – our Customer received the following information concerning, among other things:
    – the number of contracts concluded as part of the completed tenders;
    – contract values;
    – most frequent modes;
    – the number of completions in respective voivodeships;
    – the value of completions in respective voivodeships;
    – the number and value of completions for each product type;
    – the number of the equipment ordered in pieces;
    – information on winning companies – the number and the value of the contracts concluded;
    – the detailed description of the Winners belonging to the first five entities;
    – the separate detailed description of each equipment category.

    We encourage you to check our customised offers!


    Order descriptive report

      Current Reports on Healthcare Market

      Public Procurement Market Analysis

